Tuesday 3 December 2019

Awesome Codey Rocky Robots

This week on Monday we had the honour and privilege of welcoming Chorus and the am show to Pt England School. They came thanks to a nomination from Sam Carruthers. They also brought a giant present box, inside were five sets of Codey Rocky Robots.

On the day they arrived and since then my class and Room 16 a year 1 classroom have had a blast coding and experimenting with these robots. They have learned not only coding still, but a joy for coding and computer science and the skill to work together and it's only been two days.

We want to say a huge thank you to Chorus, the am show and all the people behind this kind gift. We hope you enjoy our movie and see the joy and excitement for yourselves.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Keep Being Cybersmart

This year Rooms 19 and 20 created our Film Festival movie as a fun way of showing how we are cybersmart in our classroom every single day.

Victoria: Kia Ora, I am Victoria
Blessing: And I am Blessing.
Both: We are year 3s students from Pt England School.
Blessing: Hey Victoria remember that time you got stuck in that game?
Victoria: Yes, We had to be Cybersmart to get out.
Blessing: Being Cybersmart is soooo important.
Victoria: Yes it is!
Both: Keep being Cybersmart Manaiakalani!

We Hope you enjoy our movie. Please leave us a comment and let us know how you are cybersmart in your school.

Saturday 18 May 2019


This week we have been thinking and learning about way that we can be kind as Friday was Pink shirt day. We wanted the kinds to think about all the ways they can be kind and make Kindness go virtual!


Sunday 21 April 2019

Easter Animation

Hinemoa created a cute little animation that I wanted to share. Happy Easter everyone!

We are doing a bunny animation

Friday 15 March 2019

Chevylee's Robot story

Once upon a time there was a robot called Merrlen. She lived in a junkyard. Her head was made of an old light and her body was made out of a cassette tape. Her leg as made out of a red spring and her other leg was made of a metal pin. The junkyard had lots of rusty metal parts. One day Merrlen was sitting on a box. Then she saw two cords, one was a laptop cord and the other was a wire from a tv. Next she was feeling lonely so she walked away. Then she sat down on lots of leaves. She looked over the side and saw a plug and she got a part of her and put it on the plug for a smile. Then she took it back to the junkyard. Then she realised that it wasn’t a real friend so she chucked it away. She went into a car engine and saw a plug and she connected her arm with it. BOOM! It electrocuted her. Then she woke up and saw a fan robot. “What is your name?” he asked. “My name is Merrlen" she said. “My name is Jack”. Then they clicked their hands together and they became friends.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Uploading and Blogging

We have been learning to upload and blog our learning. This week Salem shared how he uploads and blogs his learning. 

Friday 22 February 2019

Assembly- Stay cool at school

This week we had another wonderful assembly. We were all proud to see how many awesome learner had taken part in the summer learning.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Ripa rugby

Today rooms 19 and 20 had a great time at Ripa Rugby. We learnt to run with the hall pash the ball and rip off tag. 

It was great to see everyone give it a go and try their very best. 

Thank you to Fraser and Sinclair for coming down and taking these awesome season we had a blast and can’t wait to play even more Ripa in the future. 

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Te Reo Maori

This week we started our Te Reo Maori lessons. We had a great time talking about our culture and what makes as special. To help us understand our pepeha.


This week Rooms 19 and 20 have been lucky enough to have Swimming lessons at the Glen Innes pools. We have been learning how to stay safe in the walk by floating, treading water and swimming freestyle.

Each class swims in three group and we are so grateful to our wonderful teacher.

We love Swimming!

Friday 15 February 2019

Duffy awards

Congratulations to Maddy and Moimoi who revived our Duffy certificates this week. We are so proud of you and all the work you have completed and share do far this year. We live your positive attitudes to learning. 

Monday 11 February 2019

Beginning to Blog

Rooms 19 and 20 are so excited to be able to blog using the wonderful new blogging app which many people have worked hard on.

It was lovely to see the excited of three of our wonderful learners sharing their great  learning on their blogs. This week all the learner in Rooms 19 and 20 thought carefully about what information they wanted to share with the world for their Blog about me. They use an explain everything activity with sentence starters and questions to help them plan their about me then they wrote it all ready for their blogs.

Brooke's about me

Hi my name is Brooke. I am 7 year old and I live in pt England. I have 0 sisters and 2 brothers. My favourite colour is yellow. my favourite food is Mc Donalds. my  favourite tv show is smurfs.

We can't wait for all the year 3 learners to get blogging all their great learning.

Friday 8 February 2019

Our First Assembly

It has been a great first week back at Pt England school. We have all leapt into learning and we are excited to be sharing our learning journey with you.

Today we have our first whole school assembly of the year. Assembly at Pt England School is always fun and a time to share the successes we have had.

Congratulations to our 2019 Prefects, House Captains and The first Duffy award winner of the year. We also welcomed many beautiful new entrant children to our school and it was lovely to see their beautiful smiling faces. We also want to welcome all the new children of any age.

It is also a time for Te Korero o te wiki. This week marked an important day in New Zealand History with the country remembering Waitangi day and the Treaty that played such a huge role in forming the country we live in. However we must remember that the Treaty is part of our everyday life and this was our Korero this week.

The 3 P's of the Treaty of Waitangi, Participation, Partnership and Protection. 

Thursday 7 February 2019

Fun with Statistics

Today was another wonderful day in rooms 19 and 20. We leapt into our maths learning. We started by learning, practicing and sharing our basic facts knowledge.
 After some wonderful basic facts including our bonds to 5, bonds to 10 and 2 times tables. We follow this great maths with some statistics. Each child in the class got a small bag of M&Ms and had to sort, count, create a tally chart and graph the results of their small investigation.

Here is Chevylee's results of her investigation.

We found out about the colours in a packet of m&ms

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Welcome to 2019 - Kai pai te kotahi

It is a brand new school year and Ms Eadie and I have had a great start to the year and enjoyed welcoming a brand new bunch of wonderful year 3 learners into rooms 19 and 20.

We have spent the first two days getting to know each other and exploring some of the way we can be the best kids on the point.

We started the week by talking a lot and them showing the school value Better Together (Kai pai te kotahi)

Once we had decide on what Sharing looked like we practiced this by engaging with others in a positive way to create and share using puzzles, lego, blocks and much more.

We are so excited to for 2019 and having a great year of learning together!