This Movie was created as a result of our learning about planet earth and beyond. As part of this topic we focused on how the sun impacted on us. As a result we talked a lot about shadows and how they are made. We decided to take the story of Peter Pan and put a Pt England Twist on it.
I came up with and outline for the story and Kiarah and Angelica wrote the script. The rest of the class performed in the movie. Sadly Lorenzo was away during our filming and Israel choose to take a behind the scenes role however we know that they had a impact on the overall movie.
I am so proud of the Room 14 learners and the effort they put it. A big ups to Jermain our wonderful shadow although you may not see his face we feel his presence in the movie. We hope you enjoyed our movie we certainly enjoyed making it!
Thank you to our wonderful presenter Kiarah and Gabby. Here is their introduction,
K-Hi my name is Kiarah, and I am in Room 14 at Pt England school. Our movie is about…
G-Hi Kiarah
K-Wait, who are you?
G- I’m Tinkerbell, have you seen Peter. He disappeared from Neverland and we haven’t seen him in weeks.
K-Peter, Who is Peter??
G-Peter Pan
K- Oh…..I think he visited Pt England once, Let's take a look.
Thank you to some of the music.